How the world of travel would be changed, as the virus continues to spread!22-Jul-2020 05:58 PM
The COVID 19 pandemic has almost shut travel, with various countries enforcing travel restrictions and lockdown. It’s gradually becoming clear that the virus is going to be here for a while and that, life has to go on amidst the same. And so does travel.
Be it an official trip for work or a leisurely holiday needed to take a breather and destress, travel is a very essential activity that cannot be stopped. The tourism sector contributes about 8.1% of the total employment in India, creating about 5 crore jobs each year.
While the travel industry, hit hard by the pandemic, gets up and reinforces itself with precautionary measures to welcome guests, people are cautious, and rightly so. It is only caution that can protect us from the raging virus.
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